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Turnkey ready and tailor-made forestry and agricultural investments  –






The Southern Agri Real Estate Group offers investors the opportunity to make high quality and profitable investments in the forestry and agricultural sectors in Uruguay and Paraguay.

With intergenerational expertise in different areas of land use, years of experience in regional conditions, and broad-based expertise in the livestock, arable and forestry sectors, your investments are in good hands with us. With the support of a broad network of local partners, the conditions for an exclusive, holistic, and turnkey product are created.

With volatile stock markets, low yields in bond markets, and increasing uncertainty in the residential real estate market, the Southern Agri Real Estate Group offers investors a solid alternative.

An investment product includes the purchase of land in Uruguay or Paraguay, its cultivation, leasing, or reforestation according to local land use plans with a focus on sustainability as well as profitable marketing of the products. The selected local tenure is fully owned by the client at all times. The registration of the company as a corporation, the organization of accounting, legal and tax advice, and the leasing or management of the agricultural enterprise are all part of the overall package. All aspects are customizable to the client and fully managed.


As a purely agricultural country, Uruguay offers fertile soils with ideal climatic conditions. The country has a modern transportation infrastructure and a well-developed road network, and the infrastructure in the agricultural and forestry sector is state of the art. The population is well educated with a high proportion of qualified workers.

Uruguay offers a safe investment environment with stable legal security and a modern banking system. In order to strengthen the agricultural and forestry sector, which is important for the country, investments in agriculture and forestry are supported by tax incentives.

Ninety-eight percent of the electricity consumed in the country is generated from local, renewable energy sources. On the state level, continuous efforts are being made to ensure that products from the agricultural and forestry sectors produced in Uruguay can be classified internationally with the label of sustainability. This offers local producers the opportunity to benefit from international subsidies for sustainability as well as to secure a wide range of international sales markets for themselves.


Certain land areas are not suitable for arable farming or livestock breeding due to their soil structure. However, Uruguay’s consistent rainfall and maritime climate make these areas all the more suitable for reforestation. Depending on the tree species planted, the subsequently harvested wood is processed for two different purposes: For the extraction of cellulose in the form of chips or pellets and subsequent further processing into paper and packaging material, or as integral wooden beams for the construction and furniture industries. After logging, the previously forested areas can be reforested without any restrictions. Depending on site conditions, the tree species planted are different varieties of pine and eucalyptus.

Previously fallow areas act as CO2 sink through reforestation and thus ensure a positive climate balance. In addition to timber harvesting, the purchase of CO2 certificates for afforested areas is another interesting option.

Livestock Farming

Uruguay offers the possibility of extensive livestock farming in the form of natural grazing through year-round feed supply on grassland. Cattle are not fed any additives such as hormones. The end product is therefore grass-fed, hormone-free beef through species-appropriate husbandry. About 70-75% of the meat production is exported, sales markets are mainly EU, USA, China, Russia, MERCOSUR, Mexico, and Canada.

Among the various state initiatives about food safety, the so-called »Traceability System« should be mentioned about the export of beef. According to this system, Uruguayan beef is 100% traceable, which ensures the quality of the product and monitors the individual steps in the manufacturing process to ensure food quality. From the cattle on the pasture in Uruguay to the refined product in the supermarket of the international consumer, every single step in the process is traceable. Through continuous improvements in land management and animal husbandry, Uruguay as a country has managed to certify its locally produced beef as CO2-neutral in 2022, an internationally recognized achievement. This means that local producers will also be able in the future to secure international sales markets with high climate standards.


Uruguay’s mild maritime climate and consistent rainfall make it an ideal location for agriculture. According to European standards, a utilization plan with strict crop rotation is prescribed by law. Soybeans, wheat, barley, and arable grass are grown in continuous rotation. Rapeseed, grain corn and rice are also grown. Vegetables are mainly planted in the immediate vicinity of Montevideo. The local supply is completely saturated by the country’s own cash crops, and about 85% of the annual crop yields are exported and marketed abroad.

The so-called Indice CONEAT (IC) system is used to measure soil conditions. This is a soil evaluation index for determining soil quality, similar to the soil scoring system used in Europe. Soil quality is measured on a scale from 0 to 263, with the national average corresponding approximately to a value of 100. This rating system is used primarily to determine the soil quality of arable land and is a decisive factor for the production and commercial value of arable land. The entire surface of Uruguay is dated through this system, and the IC value of any individual area can thus be accessed at any time through a soil cadastre.


Paraguay has a stable democratic government, attractive conditions for foreign investors, and private property rights that are duly respected by the constitution. One third of the gross domestic product is represented by the agricultural sector. Taxes are comparatively low in an international context.

The Southern Agri Real Estate Group operates mainly in the northwestern part of the country, the so-called Chaco. This region is sparsely populated with only four percent of the total population. The infrastructure is advanced on a regional level and ideally suited for extensive livestock farming.

Livestock Farming

The Chaco region offers ideal conditions with excellent returns in the field of extensive livestock farming. Cattle are kept in the form of year-round grazing on grasslands. The subtropical climate allows for consistent rainfall with mild winter temperatures. Mineral-rich soils provide optimal growth potential for the animals, without any supplemental feeding. The logistics and upstream and downstream infrastructure required for livestock farming are well organized at the regional level. Sales markets include Chile, Brazil, Russia, and the USA.

What makes us stand out

Our concept is unique because it includes several services as a total package:

As a broad-based company in the livestock, arable and forestry sectors, we not only offer our clients carefully selected agricultural and forestry properties, but also take a position as a consulting and management company. From the establishment of the company, purchase, legal and tax matters to the final management of the land, we are with you every step of the way, if required.


For our clients we offer the following services, if required:
– Application for Uruguayan Residence Permit (Cédula)
– Transcription of driver’s license
– Health insurance
– Opening of a bank account

We can also help you with the planning and booking of your trip.
We are looking forward to meeting you!

Mechtild Stahr

Dr. Eduardo Blanco Acevedo 1720
11500 Montevideo

Gernot Stahr

Ostlandweg 14
37075 Göttingen

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